Sunday, 20 March 2011

this one is based on the use of the words that people gave as their reaction to blue, and using those key words i created words of tiles which can be moved around. its would act like an interactive piece and people could adjust their words either from positive to negative or the way they want to because everyone reads a story and builds up a picture in their own way, and using that they could photograph and place the photo on the wall so people can see peoples different ways of seeing things.

this next experiment is using the key word from the first and last memory of peoples responses and people can form a sentence or long sentence or short story. and again, take a photograph to then place on the wall for others to see.

this is based on the idea of a flip book and the top half of the book refers to a persons first memory and the bottom half relates to the most recent memory and people can form a new story and meaning to blue.

this next idea is based on replacing the differences between people by washing them out in a colour and then overlapping their responses in the form of text.
this idea was inspired by a sex pistols cover: the tear out newspaper lettering and text reforms the altering of design

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